This morning, I read a prayer that Allen Jackson included in one of his daily devotionals.
“…I am sanctified — made holy, set apart to God, and my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit — redeemed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Therefore, through the blood of Jesus, Satan has no place in me and no power over me.”
But just because we are redeemed and cleansed, that doesn’t mean we should take our health, our freedom from stresses, and other life interruptions does not mean we should take Him for granted.
For those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, we can have a glorious relationship with God through Jesus.
What is the Gospel?
The Gospel is a message to all believers that Jesus was born, lived, died, and rose again on the third day. We are all sinners, but the Good News is that when Jesus died on the cross, He took our sins upon himself. But if you say the prayer of salvation and mean it, you are saved. However, you need to take this gift and not take this salvation for granted.
Five Ways to Avoid Taking Salvation for Granted
From my own experience, I have five ways that I don’t take my salvation for granted.
Pray. Having a personal relationship with God means you can talk to God anytime and anywhere. Confess our sins. Yes, even though we are saved, we still sin. We are not perfect. Even something as minor as speaking badly about a neighbor is a sin.
Thank God — frequently. Thank Him for His wonderful gift.
Read the Bible. The Word is a wealth of information, encouragement, and guidance. I have recently started reading Matthew. It is rich with parables that can be used to teach us.
Hear the Word. No, I don’t mean you have to go to church. The Holy Spirit dwells in you and guides and directs you. In addition, I listen to well-known Bible teachers like Joyce Meyer, Allen Jackson, Billy Graham, Dr. David Jeremiah, and more. I listen to TV sermons, YouTube videos, and podcasts. All these ways ensure that I don’t take my salvation for granted.
Share the Gospel with others. There is a heaven and a hell. As a Christian, it is my responsibility (and the responsibility of all believers) to share the Gospel.
“Mark 16:15 — And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (NKJV)
My overriding reason for sharing the power of the blood of the lamb is because of what God has done for me. To me, the best news I can share with everyone is below:
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (NKJV)
I really liked this edition of your newsletter! Thanks for posting.
Thanks, Pam.